Satori: Segmentation Engine
Advanced Audience Filters

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Feature illustration


Create and track unique identifiers for players.

Feature illustration


Store persistent and optionally auto-updated data to identities.

Feature illustration


Segment identities using filter expressions which match your gameplay.


Identity properties are set while processing events for identities.
  • Default - Base properties that Satori ships with; they are always sent by the client SDK automatically (e.g. CountryCode).
  • Custom - Define a taxonomy of gameplay specific properties that clients can send to be used with LiveOps and Experimentation in Satori.
  • Computed - Auto-calculated by event names received from the client, stored by Satori per identity (e.g. _sessionStartCount).


Create unlimited numbers of overlapping player segments based on your filter expressions.
  • Audiences auto-refresh continuously to add/remove identities.
  • Define an inclusion and exclusion list to override identities in the audience.
  • Filter identities based on identity properties.
  • Import audience membership information from 3rd party systems.

Audience Filters

  • Powerful filter expression rules applied to identity properties.
  • Built-in functions to help with mathematical and time-based calculations.
  • Satori leverages state of the art time-chunking for fast analytics queries.

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