Satori: Live Operations for Games

Experiments, live events, feature flags, and analytics engine for game studios and publishers.

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Satori Identity Overview  Screenshot Satori Feature Flag and Flag Variants Screenshot Satori Identity Events list  Screenshot

Live Operations

Match your game’s experience to players preferences

Recurring Live Events

Easily build and deploy live events, battle passes, offers, messages, push notifications, and more.

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Personalize rewards

Give players premium rewards for achievements, battle passes, purchases and platform exclusives.

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Dynamically unlock new content

Build deep and engaging gameplay that automatically unlocks new content when players achieve goals or complete purchases.

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Target Player with Exclusive Content

Drill down to player segments or even down to individual players to reward exclusive content and grow your community.

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A Heroic Solution for Every Problem

Built by the developers of the #1 game server, Satori is built from the ground up to enable studios to deliver Live Operations at scale and consistently reproduce experiments to deepen engagement.

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Segmentation Engine

Advanced audience filtration
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Built-in support for Push Notifications and emails
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Understand your game and measure your changes scientifically
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Built for scale

From the makers of Nakama, you can expect natural scalability built-in to Satori.
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Deep integration with Nakama and Hiro.

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Deploy on Heroic Cloud, or integrate deeply in your stack via Private Cloud.

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Open-source light-weight SDKs (Unity, JavaScript, Unreal/C++)

Ready to grow your game?

Get Started

Speak to our team about how LiveOps can bring more players to your game, improve engagement, and grow revenue.