Live Events #

Live events enable you to deliver established features on a schedule.

Similar to experiments, live events have a fixed duration and should track your defined monitor metrics, such as engagement or return on ad spend (RoAS). Your live events may call for further experimentation if monitor metrics start to fall or novel experiences are identified.

Battle passes, leagues, tournaments, seasonal events, special offers and even recurring messages or push notifications are all examples of live events players interact with on a daily basis.

Creating your live event calendar requires planning and should take into account event diversity, player availability and fatigue, and clashes with other internal and even external events.

The Live Events page in the Satori dashboard enables you to create, edit, and delete live events. You can review your existing events using a calendar timeline view or a list view.

Live Events
Live Events

Creating events #

Click the + New Live Event button to open the Create Live Event wizard.

Create Live Events
Create Live Events

  1. Select the Live Event Type:
    • Dynamic Pricing: A template live event type for testing different pricing strategies using Hiro.
    • Custom: A custom live event type for testing any other type of feature or configuration.
    • Offer Wall: A template live event type for creating timed offers using Hiro.
  2. Provide the Live Event Details:
    • Name: Enter a unique name for this live event.
    • Description: Provide a description of the live event.
    • Sticky Membership: If enabled, players who join the event will remain in the event until it ends, even if they no longer meet the audience criteria. If disabled, players who no longer meet the audience criteria will be removed from the event.
  3. Configure the Targeting for this live event:
    • Audiences: Select the audiences to participate in the event, or create a new audience.
    • Exclude Audiences: The audiences, if any, to exclude from the event.
  4. Define the Metrics for this experiment:
    • Metrics to monitor: Select the metrics to monitor for this event. You can create a new metric or select an existing one.
  5. Set the Live Event Configuration:
    • Schema Validator: Select the validator to use for data from this event. You can create a new validator or select an existing one.
    • Live Event Value: The game data value associated with this event.
    • Affected Feature Flags: The feature flags associated with this event. The feature flag values set here override the default values for the audience. You can create a new feature flag or select an existing one.
      • Variants: Click + Add Variant to create a new variant of the feature flag for this event. Enter the following details:
        • Variant Name: Enter a unique name for each variant.
        • Audience: Select the audience to associate with this variant.
        • Value: Enter the game data value associated with this variant.
  6. Set the Scheduling for this experiment:
    • Start Time: The date and time when the experiment begins.
    • End Time: The date and time when the experiment ends.
    • Repeat event: If enabled, the event will repeat according to the selected frequency or the custom CRON expression entered.

Updating events #

From the Calendar or List view, select the event you want to update to display its details page. From this page you can view all the details of the event, including the event type, description, targeting, metrics, configuration, and scheduling, and also Edit Live Event to make any changes.

Update a Live Event
Update a Live Event

Message schedules #

The Message Schedules tab displays a list of all message schedules associated with this event. You can add new message schedules or update or delete existing schedules.

Click the + Create Schedule button to open the Create Schedule modal, then enter the following details:

  • Name: Enter a unique name for this schedule.
  • Template: Select the template to use for this schedule.
  • Reference Point: Select the reference point for this schedule, either On start or On end. The reference point is the point in time when the message is sent to the player.
  • Offset: Enter the offset amount and unit (i.e. seconds, hours) from the reference point when the message is sent to the player.

Click Create to save the schedule.

Webhooks for Live Events #

Webhooks allows you to send real-time information to your system or backend when a live event starts or ends.