Identity Properties #

From the Properties tab you can view and edit all properties associated with the selected user identity.

Identity Properties tab
Identity Properties tab

Similar to Events, properties are an important tool used to define and enrich an identity profile, and ultimately used to define the audience segments for your experiments, feature flags, and live events.

There are three types of properties:

  • Default: Standard properties available out-of-the-box in Satori
  • Computed: Determined by user interactions with the game (e.g. authenticating and logging in for a sessionStart property)
  • Custom: Specified properties created to suit your application and needs

Property values can be of two types: string or numeric.

Any combination of default, computed, and custom properties can be used in segmenting players into audiences via filtering expressions.

Default properties #

Default properties are standard properties available out-of-the-box in Satori. Note that only some default properties are automatically derived for an identity at creation, while others require input from the client.

The default properties available in Satori are:

PropertyTypeDerived AutomaticallyDescription
apiKeyNamestringYesThe API key (name) used when the identity was created.
buildNumbernumericNoThe build number of the client.
citystringYesSet at identity creation, uses geo-IP at sign-up to determine the city. Empty string if it cannot be determined.
countryCodestringYesSet at identity creation, uses geo-IP at sign-up to determine ISO 3166-2 country-code. Empty string if it cannot be determined.
emailstringNoThe email associated with this identity, if set.
firstOpennumericYesIdentity creation time.
languagestringNoThe user’s preferred language.
platformstringNoThe platform of the client.
pushTokenAndroidstringNoThe Android token for this identity.
pushTokenFacebookA2UstringNoThe recipient user identifier on Facebook Platform.
pushTokenHuaweistringNoThe Huawei token for this identity.
pushTokenIosstringNoThe Apple iOS token for this identity.
pushTokenOneSignalPlayerIdstringNoThe recipient user identifier on OneSignal Platform.
regionstringYesSet at identity creation, uses geo-IP at sign-up to determine ISO 3166-2 region. Empty string if it cannot be determined.
signUpnumericNoTimestamp when the user signed up.
statenumericYesSet at identity creation, uses geo-IP at sign-up to determine the state. Empty string if it cannot be determined.
subRegionstringYesSet at identity creation, uses geo-IP at sign-up to determine ISO 3166-2 subregion. Empty string if it cannot be determined.
versionstringNoThe version of the client.

Computed properties #

Computed properties are determined by the flow of events as a user interacts with the game.

A series of computed properties are automatically generated and tracked by Satori for each event defined in your game. For example, if you define an event rewardedAdWatched in your game, you do not need to define additional properties to track how many times the event occurred, when it occurred, etc. Satori will automatically generate these, and other, computed properties for you.

Computed properties follow the pattern of:

  • <eventName>Count: The number of times the event has occurred in the lifetime of the user identity.
  • <eventName>SeenFirst: The timestamp of the first time the event occurred.
  • <eventName>SeenLast: The timestamp of the last time the event occurred.
  • <eventName>ValueFirst: The value of the first time the event occurred.
  • <eventName>ValueHigh: The highest value of the event. Only applicable to events with numeric values.
  • <eventName>ValueLast: The value of the last time the event occurred.
  • <eventName>ValueLow: The lowest value of the event. Only applicable to events with numeric values.
  • <eventName>ValueSum: The sum of all values of the event. Only applicable to events with numeric values.

See examples of computed properties being used in filtering expressions to create custom audiences.

Adding properties #

You can add any additional properties desired to more fully describe identities.

Only properties already created via the Taxonomy > Properties tab can be added to an identity. If you need to create a new custom property, you must do so via the Taxonomy page first.

To add a new property to an identity:

  1. Click the + Add button.
  2. Select the Property Type from the drop-down menu. The options are Default or Custom.
  3. Enter your desired Property Name or select it from the drop-down of available properties.
  4. Click Add. The newly added property now appears in the list of properties for this identity, with no value assigned.
  5. Select the Value field for the property and enter the desired value.
  6. Click Save to finalize the changes.

Editing properties #

You can edit the Value of any Default and Custom properties. To do so:

  1. Select the desired Value field and enter the new value.
  2. Click Save to confirm to change or Revert to undo and return to the original value.