Filters are a powerful tool for segmenting your player base into distinct audiences based upon any desired criteria using the default, computed, and custom properties.
Filter expressions can use any combination of the following:
String - A string of characters enclosed in double or single quotes. For example "hello world".
Number - A number, for example 123. Digit separators can be used to improve readability. For example 1_000_000.
Boolean - A boolean value, either true or false.
Array - A list of values enclosed in square brackets. For example [1, 2, 3].
Map - A list of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces. For example {"key": "value"}.
Nil - The absence of a value, represented by the keyword nil.
Functions can be used in your filter expressions to perform more complex operations, and are called using the () syntax. The following functions are available:
Now(): number
Returns the current time in seconds since epoch.
Duration(string): number
Returns a duration in seconds.
Properties(string, object): object
Returns the properties of an identity, or default value.
PropertiesComputed(string, object): object
Returns the computed properties of an identity, or default value.
PropertiesCustom(string, object): object
Returns the custom properties of an identity, or default value.
SemverMatch(string, string): boolean
Returns true if the version matches the provided version / version range.