Personalizer #

The Personalizer is a feature that allows you to modify data definitions for various systems (e.g. rewards, virtual store, unlockables) on-the-fly, according to each individual player’s behavior, progression, and preferences. This allows game designers to tailor the experience for the player at an individual level.

How it works #

The Personalizer operates as middleware between Hiro’s feature sets and the player, dynamically modifying Hiro configuration data as it’s retrieved and before it is used (e.g. for determining a player’s achievement reward), and ultimately, a result is sent back to the player.

The flow is as follows:

  1. Data Retrieval: When a player interacts with your game and a call to a Hiro feature is made, relevant configuration data is retrieved from Hiro’s backend systems. For instance, the rewards configuration data for a particular achievement that a player has just completed.

  2. Personalization of Configuration: Hiro deep clones the default configuration for the relevant system and then applies personalization to this configuration data. The Personalizer will use the current implementation (Satori personalizer by default) to request a personalized configuration for that particular gameplay system, which it will then overlay and merge with the existing configuration to create a personalized gameplay configuration.

  3. Personalized Gameplay: Once the personalized configuration has been created, it is used by the appropriate Hiro gameplay system where necessary. In our achievement example, the user can call the claim achievement endpoint in Hiro and Hiro will use the personalized configuration to determine what reward the player should receive.

Personalizer integration flow
Personalizer integration flow

Satori Implementation #

Hiro comes pre-built with a Satori implementation of the Personalizer which uses the Feature Flags functionality to provide custom gameplay configuration for the user. This works in tandem with Satori’s LiveOps capabilities, enabling real-time adjustments to game mechanics based on immediate player feedback, live events, experiments and more. This provides an opportunity to react to emerging trends, optimize game balance, run limited-time events, and more.