Integrations #

In Merge Chef 3D players can use integrations to connect their Facebook and Apple accounts
In Merge Chef 3D players can use integrations to connect their Facebook and Apple accounts

Hiro integrates with many services to provide a complete solution for building games, managing, and growing your games.

Social providers #

Use the built-in integrations with Facebook, Google, and Apple to allow players to sign in to your game using their social accounts.

Facebook #

A pre-requisite of using the Facebook integration is installing the Facebook Unity SDK.

You can then initialize the Facebook system by adding it to the list of systems for deterministic startup, where it will initialize the Facebook SDK under the hood.

var facebookSystem = new FacebookSystem();

Once the Facebook system is initialized, you can use the Facebook Unity SDK as usual, e.g.

FB.LogInWithReadPermissions(new [] { "<permissionName>" }, callback);

Google #

Initialize the Google system.

var googleSystem = new GoogleSystem();

Apple #

Initialize the Apple system.

var appleSystem = new AppleSystem();

Analytics #

Use the built-in integrations with AppsFlyer or Satori to track your game’s performance and player behavior. See the Analytics page for more information.

Unity #

Use the built-in integrations with Unity to schedule local notifications and integrate with the Unity Purchasing plugin.

Removing unused integrations #

Hiro comes pre-packaged with several integration systems out-of-the-box such as the FacebookSystem. These systems rely on their respective third-party packages (such as the Facebook Unity SDK) to function. Due to the nature of package management in Unity, we do not include these third-party packages with Hiro. As such, you may initially see compilation errors when initially importing Hiro into your project. For systems you do not intend you use, you can delete the associated script (e.g. FacebookSystem.cs) from your project to resolve the compilation errors.